MISSD Releases New Podcast and Launches Military Ads on International Akathisia Awareness Day
MISSD designated this annual day of global observance to increase akathisia awareness and remember all who suffer from or have been lost to this medication-induced disorder.
“Understanding akathisia is vital to preventing medication-induced self-harm, violence, and suicide,” said MISSD founder Wendy Dolin. “It’s crucial for people to be aware of the real risks and potential benefits before starting medications that can trigger akathisia. Our latest public health campaign, now reaching over a million active-duty military members and personnel on US military bases, is a major step toward greater awareness.” Read the full press release at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/744814742/international-akathisia-awareness-day-boosting-knowledge-to-enhance-patient-safety-and-prevent-medication-harm.
Vincent Schmitt and Yoko Motohama share the akathisia-induced loss of their teenage son, Romain, on our latest podcast. Listen at https://www.studiocchicago.com/akathisia-stories.

MISSD is reaching more than a million military members and base personnel with our new digital ads on bases serving all military branches. Together, we continue making a positive difference in patient safety.