October 30, 2019 at 3:05 pm

Powerful Video: Canadian Vets and Anti-Malaria Drugs

Canadian veterans who are part of a lawsuit against the government over the alleged side effects of a military-issued anti-malaria drug share their experiences in this moving video. Watch it here.
October 29, 2019 at 10:37 am

Mylan Recalls Xanax Batch

Mylan pharmaceuticals has recalled a batch of its product, Alprazolam, often sold under the brand name, Xanax. The company states the likelihood that someone would fall ill “is expected to be rare, but the remote risk of infection to a patient cannot be ruled out.”
Mylan declined to provide additional information about the product or foreign substance. Get the full story here.
October 28, 2019 at 12:53 pm

Tune in this Week for the K-9’s for Veterans Talk Show

This Thursday’s K-9’s for Veterans talk show discusses veterans’ mental health care, adverse drug effects and suicide. Special guest is MISSD Founder, Wendy Dolin. Tune in Thursday and learn more about K-9’s for Veterans here.
October 24, 2019 at 3:09 pm

Medications can Adversely Affect Safe Driving

Many people don’t realize medications can impact our ability to drive safely. While this week is National Teen Safe Driving week, drivers of all ages need to carefully read product information and ask their doctors about driving while taking prescriptions and certain over-the-counter medications.
Teens and the elderly are two groups at greater risk of experiencing adverse drug effects. Be informed and be safe: Carefully read all product inserts.
October 23, 2019 at 11:20 am

Pharmacists Play a Key Role in Medication Safety

Adverse drug events occur when exposure to a medication results in harm. In recognition of National Pharmacy Week, healthcare consumers and caregivers can benefit by remembering to discuss possible adverse drug effects and the “five rights” with their pharmacists: the right dose of the right medication is administered to the right patient, at the right time, and by the right route.
Read the related article here.
October 21, 2019 at 2:21 pm

Thanks for Supporting Our 2019 Gala

MISSD is grateful to all who attended our annual Chicago fundraiser. Thank you to our generous sponsors who donated amazing items for the silent auction. Thank you to all who support MISSD throughout the year and were with us in spirit in Chicago on Thursday. Together we reached milestones in 2019 and have identified many new goals for 2020.



October 14, 2019 at 3:01 pm

Reminder: The MISSD Annual Gala Is Thursday

Only 3 more days until the MISSD annual gala. If you’re in the Chicago area, please consider joining us. Although our foundational goals are a serious matter, our annual gala is a lighthearted event with good food and great people. Get your tickets online or at the door.

October 12, 2019 at 7:50 am

England Announces New Alerts for SSRIs

England’s National Health Service (NHS) announces new guidelines alerting the public of withdrawal problems associated with commonly-prescribed depression pills. The guidelines make it clear coming off SSRIs can cause long-lasting symptoms. NHS is England’s drug regulator and is similar to America’s FDA.

“We have amended the guideline to recognise the emerging evidence on the severity and duration of antidepressant withdrawal symptoms,” said Dr Paul Chrisp, director of the centre for guidelines at NICE, a watchdog for NHS.

SSRIs include Paroxetine (sold as Seroxat in the UK and Paxil in the US); Sertraline (sold as Lustrol in the UK and Zoloft in the US), and; Fluoxetine (sold as Sarafem in the UK and Prozac in the US).

Read the full story here.

October 10, 2019 at 3:00 pm

World Mental Health Day: Time to Start Talking

MISSD promotes critical dialogue and accurate info on World Mental Health Day.

“We need to have meaningful public conversations about adverse drug effects and mental health. Lives can be saved when people are well informed.” — Wendy Dolin, MISSD

Read the full story here.

October 9, 2019 at 9:58 am

Akathisia Podcast Highlights Adverse Drug Effects

“We were talking about dad tonight & I think something’s not right,” said daughter whose dad started Cymbalta 3 weeks earlier.
Gail, who discusses her late husband’s akathisia tragedy here in our podcast series, says, “I really wasn’t educated on any of the side effects of any of these drugs.”
Mental Illness Awareness Week is a good time to learn more about adverse drug effects that can negatively impact normal cognitive functions. Akathisia is caused by 100s of different drugs, many of which are not prescribed for mental health challenges.