October 12, 2018 at 6:46 pm
Turnout at last night’s MISSD annual gala was the largest ever. Special thanks goes out to hundreds of attendees and to all whose continued support helps make MISSD public education programs possible. Check out our new video focused on better identifying some outward signs of akathisia.
February 7, 2017 at 5:18 pm
MISSD is thrilled that our educational video about akathisia has been included in a recent article of the online version of one of the UK’s largest and most widely read and respected newspapers, the Daily Mail. The piece, which you can read here, describes side effects of psychotropic medications and the long-term risks that affect some patients. It also highlights a variety of interesting studies about drugs and placebo effects, discusses long-term conditions and shares one individual’s story. It explains the fact that even after stopping medications, withdrawal effects can sometimes last years or even become a permanent condition. Although MISSD is not anti-drug and does not support all the views described in this article, we do take a stand for truth in labeling. Our mission is to raise awareness of akathisia and medication-induced suicides.

Read the article and let us know what you think!