September 26, 2024 at 3:26 pm Explores Antidotes for Akathisia and Dysregulation

How is it that an ingredient in the first version of 7-Up might help alleviate symptoms of akathisia and antidepressant withdrawal?’s recent article is an intriguing look at possible treatments currently being explored and discussed by some sufferers and medical researchers.

Read the article at and please contact if you or someone you know has experiences to share about these possible treatment options. It’s great to see more possible treatment options being explored given that MISSD frequently hears from people searching for ways to alleviate their symptoms.

It’s also nice to read, “We have liaised closely with groups like The Medication Induced Suicide Prevention and Education Foundation in Memory of Stuart Dolin  –MISSD– set up by Wendy Dolin and run by an impressive group of people whose lives have all been touched by the catastrophes akathisia can visit on families.” Thanks,!