July 27, 2015 at 11:59 pm

Medication-Induced Psychosis in the Elderly – A Personal Story

The mission of MISSD is to raise awareness about medication-induced suicides and akathisia. Departing slightly, but in conjunction with drug induced reactions, I want to share a personal story regarding my 94 1/2-year-old mother.  My mother,  who has age-related dementia, was prescribed Ritalin to help increase her appetite.  Six days after starting Ritalin she had a complete break from reality-she experienced auditory and visual hallucinations, and a sensation of bugs crawling on her arms.  She experienced many symptoms of akathisia, including aggressiveness, restlessness, agitation, insomnia, irritability and hostility. Once physical issues were ruled out, she was sent to a geriatric psychiatric ward for detox. Gratefully, after two weeks and a readjustment of meds, I am happy to report that she is back to her usual self.  This experience broadened my perspective that we have to be aware of these reactions in all age groups and be vigilant when anyone stops or starts a new medication.



~Wendy Dolin

Founder of MISSD

July 2, 2015 at 3:15 am

‘Neurontin Killed Our Husbands, We Believe’

Think akathisia can only happen to those taking antidepressants or other psychotropic medications? Unfortunately it’s time to widen our scope–akathisia can occur from other medications as well. Two doctors’ wives are now speaking out, six years after their husbands both took their lives while taking Neurontin, or Gabapentin, and suffering from akathisia. Neither the doctors nor their wives realized what was provoking personality changes and erratic behavior in their husbands, until it was too late. Both were taking the drug for back pain, an off-label use. Like MISSD, they are now trying to spread the word so others can be spared the same pain.



June 15, 2015 at 3:32 pm

PharmedOut Conference 2015

Wendy Dolin (Founder) and Kim Witczak (Advisor to Board of MISSD Directors) attended PharmedOut’s 5th Conference: The Real Risk of RX Drugs June 11-12, 2015, at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington DC. PharmedOut is a Georgetown University Medical Center project that advances evidence-based prescribing and educates healthcare professionals about pharmaceutical marketing practices and current topics of importance in the medical field.

MISSD's photo.
June 8, 2015 at 1:37 pm

MISSD at Naomi Ruth Cohen Institute Conference

Such great thought-provoking discussions yesterday at the Naomi Ruth Cohen Conference as we provided information and raised awareness about possible side effects of medications and shared our knowledge about akathisia with others. We had the wonderful opportunity to meet such amazing professionals who were eager to hear what we had to say and become involved in our organization!


May 22, 2015 at 12:24 pm


Are Some Military Suicides Medication-Induced?

The statistics are staggering: At least 1 in 5 service members in the military suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. 300,000 are experiencing depression, brain trauma or PTSD. Twenty-two vets die by suicide every day. And since 2001, more military servicemen and women died by suicide than in combat in Afghanistan. Sobering numbers indeed, and many veterans make it out of the threatening and traumatic climates of war only to die by their own hands when they return to American soil.

This ABC news piece highlights the story of 29-year-old Sargeant Cole Van Dorn, a Chicago area native, whose father said took his life last month after struggling with PTSD and taking a “stew” or “soup” of medications. Medications used to treat military servicemen and women have doubled over the past decade, according to the segment. Dr. K. Laun Phan, a neuropsychiatric researcher at University of Chicago at Illinois and the US Department of Veterans Affairs, explains in the piece that there are few medications effective in treating PTSD. Cole Van Dorn’s father believes his son would still be alive if he had not been on the cocktail of medications, some of which his son was told he would have to take for the rest of his life.

TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors), is a not-for-profit for survivors and families of fallen heroes, and it provides a program for suicide survivors with resources for families. There are promising new treatments on the horizon for those with PTSD. Dr. Eugene Lipov of the Global Post Traumatic Stress Injury Foundation, based in Chicago, is pioneering the use of SGB, stellate ganglion block treatment, to treat acute symptoms of PTSD, and is targeting veterans due to the alarming rate of military suicides. Originally a treatment for pain, the mixture of saline, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agents is injected into the cervical spine, and can provide relief and stabilization along with other healing modalities. Go to chicagomedicalinnovations.org to learn more.


April 15, 2015 at 2:03 pm

MISSD 2015 Fundraising Event

Please mark your calendars for the next MISSD event!


April 14, 2015 at 3:50 pm

Theodore Van Putten describes “The Many Faces of Akathisia” as early as 1975

Check out the article (PDF)

January 6, 2015 at 5:06 pm

National Center for Health Research: The Voice For Prevention, Treatment, and Policy

Wendy Dolin, (founder) was asked to participate in the June 2014 National Center For Health Research Conference in Washington, DC. The objective for this workshop (which was led by 10 patient and consumer advocates) is to learn about the scientific evidence perspectives that the FDA then considers when making decisions to approve or recall a medical product. Wendy Dolin was one of the participants on this panel.

Below are some excerpts from an article summarizing the conference, with MISSD founder Wendy Dolin featured in one of the photos:

Page 1 (PDF)

Page 2 (PDF)

Page 3 (PDF)

November 29, 2014 at 7:57 pm

New Bill Mandates Independent Review of Veterans’ Suicide-Prevention Programs

View the full article here.

October 22, 2014 at 9:35 pm

Chantix Video Presented At FDA Advisory Committee

Pfizer has recently presented Chantix to the FDA in efforts to remove the black box warning (although side effects of this drug are very serious and have lead to suicidal behavior). Chantix did NOT lose the black box warning, but here is a powerful video discussing some of the side effects of this drug.