April 30, 2020 at 4:45 pm
“As is true for most other sufferers of gabapentin adverse reactions and withdrawal, tests showed nothing, and after receiving a muscle relaxant and some Benadryl, I was sent home. Dr. F and his nurses were convinced that once off the gabapentin (and already off the benzo), my symptoms would improve dramatically. They did not.
I endured anxiety, sweating, heart palpitations, panic attacks, akathisia (I paced constantly), digestive issues (and severe abdominal pain), insomnia…”
Read the full story at https://www.madinamerica.com/2020/04/gabapentin-horror/
April 28, 2020 at 3:30 pm
Akathisia is a serious drug-induced disorder that can lead to suicidal thoughts, actions and suicide itself. But knowing more about the causes of akathisia and recognizing akathisia symptoms can help prevent these avoidable deaths. Take our free, accredited Akathisia 101 course at MISSD.LearnUpon.com.
Some comments from course completers include:
“Thanks for designing such a valuable and critical course.”
“Good information for educational purposes; well laid out and delivered.”
“I work in a community mental health setting and I plan to email my colleagues this information so we all can be better informed.”
April 25, 2020 at 4:20 pm
“In the US, the use of drugs for treating depression, anxiety, and insomnia spiked 21% between February 16th and March 15th, when the coronavirus was deemed a pandemic,” finds a new survey. MISSD wants to stress the importance of following FDA guidelines that state consumers should be carefully monitored and caregivers should watch for and report any unusual changes in behavior when starting, stopping or changing drug dosage or type.
See article at: https://www.businessinsider.com/fda-streamlines-digital-psychiatry-approval-process-2020-4