March 16, 2022 at 3:40 pm
Knowing the causes and symptoms of akathisia prior to starting, stopping, or changing dosage or type of certain medications can save lives. Had these families been in formed of the risks prior to receiving these prescriptions, they likely would never have had an akathisia story to share in our public health video. Listen and learn at
March 1, 2022 at 12:01 pm
A new study finds clinicians need withdrawal guidance and training to better ensure patients can safely discontinue these drugs. When SSRI withdrawal and withdrawal akathisia is misdiagnosed as relapse, consumers are more likely to continue taking risky drugs they do not need.
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February 25, 2022 at 12:07 pm
“Studies have identified a correlation between the incidence of suicide and suicide ideation and the prescription of antidepressants, particularly in children and adolescents. Two recent studies have shown that antidepressants may alter brain structure and can cause neurotoxic effects on the developing brain…” Read the full article at
February 24, 2022 at 1:47 pm
Yesterday MISSD released its latest video which was produced in collaboration with No Shame On U and funded by an UpStart grant. Akathisia isn’t a mental health disorder; it’s a medication-induced disorder that can cause suicidality. It’s important that the public is informed of akathisia and situational challenges that can cause avoidable death.
February 24, 2022 at 10:46 am
On our latest episode of Akathisia Stories, Marcello and his mother, Lisa, shed light on the challenges of obtaining an accurate akathisia diagnosis and treatment. Marcello was in college when he was prescribed a common drug marketed as an antidepressant. He wasn’t depressed but was given the drug for mild, “garden variety” anxiety. That prescription started his decline. Listen and learn at
February 23, 2022 at 10:04 am
Suicide prevention initiatives should not keep akathisia in the dark. MISSD is pleased our latest video includes akathisia as a suicide risk factor. While akathisia-induced deaths are not the same as traditional deaths of despair caused by depression, akathisia is frequently misdiagnosed as depression — and then mistreated. This video was a collaboration with No Shame On U and funded by an UpStart grant. Please see and share.
February 16, 2022 at 7:19 am
Given that doctors take an oath to first, do no harm, this opinion piece is disturbing. Children–and adults–who take SSRIs are at increased risk of suffering akathisia and medication-induced suicide. Yet consumers and caregivers are often left uninformed and fewer than 5% of prescribers ever monitor for suicidal thoughts after dosing.
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February 15, 2022 at 11:56 am
Families should be made aware that suicidality and suicide can be adverse effects caused by Prozac and other SSRIs marketed as antidepressants.
“I just thought it was the trauma and blamed it on all that, but it was a rapid decrease in my mental health as soon as I got put on it. I didn’t want to be alive. I felt everything was against me. My head was just so messy because of this medication,” said Stephanie, who was prescribed Prozac as a child.
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