Spend an Hour, Save a Life
MISSD’s 1-hour online Akathisia 101 course is free and open to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Check it out at MISSD.LearnUpon.com.
MISSD’s 1-hour online Akathisia 101 course is free and open to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Check it out at MISSD.LearnUpon.com.
It’s good to see this article encouraging consumers to ask questions before considering depression drugs.
We’d add a few more questions: Are there permanent “side effects?” Are there deadly side effects?” Do these drugs carry the FDA black box suicide warning? Read the article at https://bestlifeonline.com/antidepressant-pharmacist-important-questions-news/
MISSD is grateful for your support. Whether it’s sharing our free resources, “liking” us on social media, or making a tax-deductible contribution, your efforts have helped MISSD promote accurate info, improve patient safety, and save lives. Our next public health video will focus on veterans and the military and was made possible by the generosity of many. Read more at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/603604004/save-lives-on-giving-tuesday-by-raising-akathisia-awareness?r=paMoHfpstUVHq5iWA9
Like most people, this teen was unaware acne drugs can cause black bones. Most people are also never informed acne drugs can cause suicide. Archie is right when he notes: “I feel like I wasn’t provided truly informed consent on the drugs I was given as a kid. I hope this inspires more doctors and parents to thoroughly inform children on the drugs they are being given, so kids can have a voice in consent when it comes to medications.” Read the full article at https://www.dailydot.com/irl/medicine-turned-bones-black/.
If you or your loved one has been impacted by the problems of tapering off psychiatric drugs, problems that can include withdrawal akathisia, please take Medicating Normal and PROTECT’s new survey. The survey is part of the Priorities for Future Research on Reducing and Stopping Psychiatric Medicines (PROTECT) study. It is being conducted as part of a Ph.D. based at Trinity College Dublin.
For more info and survey access, see https://mailchi.mp/f565fe380a74/take-and-share-the-protect-study-survey?e=d67e22ab4a.
This excellent podcast can improve our understanding of akathisia by equating it to delirium, a term most people can readily understand. Many akathisia sufferers have reported they didn’t “feel like themselves” and surviving family members of akathisia victims have noted their loved one seemed “far away and distant,” but all were unaware of the cause. Listen to the “Know Risks” podcast at https://www.knowrisks.org/podcast.
MISSD is proud to be an authentic grassroots nonprofit that accepts no funding from the pharmaceutical industry and offers all educational resources free of charge. Most health-related nonprofits can’t say the same. Listen to our Akathisia Stories podcast, see and share our public health videos at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r9lcvh90kE and take our accredited akathisia course at https://missd.learnupon.com/users/sign_in?next=%2Fdashboard.
Withdrawal akathisia and antidepressant can cause medication-induced suicidality. When stopping drugs marketed as antidepressants, slow tapering is needed. “She reported no suicidal ideation before withdrawing from antidepressants…”
Read the full article at https://www.madinamerica.com/2022/10/antidepressant-withdrawal-linked-suicide-attempt-case-study/.
Author Brooke Siem was a teen when she was first prescribed drugs marketed as antidepressants and was thirty years old when she realized her suicidal thoughts were caused by the drug’s adverse effects. She shares her experiences in this interview and in her new book, “May Cause Side Effects.” Listen at https://kiow.com/2022/10/16/may-cause-side-effects-deals-with-childhood-depression-and-medicines/
It’s World Mental Health Day and an excellent time to read and share our newest Akathisia brochure and tip sheet. Healthcare consumers can download them to share with loved ones. Healthcare providers who want copies of the brochure should contact MISSD at share@missd.co.