Dolin vs. GSK Heads to Supreme Court
Dolin’s attorneys are asking the high court to toss out the decision of the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals which overturned the Chicago jury’s verdict that determined Paxil maker, GSK, was liable for Stewart Dolin’s suffering and death.
To see the full article, click here.
Challenges of Getting off Psych Drugs
The New Yorker has an informative article regarding the adverse withdrawal effects many consumers experience when trying to discontinue psych drugs. MISSD is pleased to see this important topic gaining public attention.
To read the full article, click here.
Actress Warns Of Adverse Drug Effects
“I kept having panic attacks, which I had never had before…I know with perfect certainty that this was solely because of Tamiflu,” said actress Erin Foster. “If my doctor had warned me this was a potential side effect I would have known what was happening. And there are teenagers who actually did kill themselves on it.”
For more info, visit
Breastfeeding Moms Need Accurate Drug Info
Evidenced-based medicine is lacking solid info regarding breast milk and moms who are taking prescription drugs states a recent New England Journal of Medicine article.
For more info, see: