Wendy Dolin, Linda Stern and Kristina Kaiser (pictured from left) present akathisia information at the Washington, DC Psychotherapy Networker Symposium.
MISSD is pleased to reach thousands of clinicians attending the annual Psychotherapy Networker Conference. Akathisia awareness is on the rise given that many attendees had some familiarity with the term compared to previous years when few had ever heard of this critical medication-induced disorder.
Katinka Newman, author of the “Pill that Steals Lives” has an excellent website, Antidepressantrisks.org, that provides general info and resources. There is also a “Stolen Lives” section where people can share their own stories of prescribed harm. Relatives of those who died antidepressant-induced deaths can also post stories. We can learn much from the lived experiences of others.
“Failing to de-prescribe a benzodiazepine like Klonopin or Ativan can be harmful because these drugs can have adverse, though reversible, cognitive effects, like impaired memory and focus. They can also slow reflexes and increase the risk of falling, which is potentially hazardous for older people,” said psychiatrist, Dr. Friedman, in a recent Washington Post article about stopping psychiatric drugs.